From 5 – 7 November 2018, SciCOM at CREST hosted a science communication research conference with the theme ‘Science communication in a democratic South Africa: prospects and challenges’. A pre-conference workshop, on Friday 2 November, aimed to build capacity in ‘evaluation of science communication’, while a post-conference workshop, on Thursday 8 November, introduced participants to approaches in science communication research.

View the conference programme.

In addition to providing a platform for local researchers to present research projects of relevance to science communication, SciCOM invited several global thought leaders in science communication research to participate. This meeting of minds aimed to provide a platform for stimulating interest, capacity and partnerships in science communication research and result in collaborations between local and international researchers.

The conference was organised and hosted by the Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology (CREST) at Stellenbosch University, where the DSI-NRF Research Chair in Science Communication is located. Stellenbosch University was 100 years old in 2018 and this conference will formed part of the centenary celebrations at this institute; hence the title of the event ‘SciCOM 100’.

Conference guide

Download the Conference guide.


RW Wilcocks Building, Stellenbosch


2 November 2018
Pre-conference workshop

5 – 7 November 2018

8 November 2018
Post-conference workshop


Registration for the ‘SciCOM 100’ conference and workshops is closed.


Please contact Rolene Langford at should you have any enquiries.

#SCICOM100 Day 3
Inviting communities into the science conversation

The shorter final day of #SCICOM100 saw researchers showing off various community-related initiatives and projects, from learning interventions at science centres to identifying different attitudes towards the environment, or using community input to to help keep HIV-positive people on antiretroviral therapy.

#SCICOM100 Day 2
Measuring science communication, politics and policy, and hip hop science communication

Day two of #SCICOM100 was all about science and politics, science and culture, and the evaluation of science communication and engagement efforts.

#SCICOM100 Day 1
Responsible research, social media viruses, and the language of science in Africa

The inaugural #SCICOM100 conference opened in fine style, with insight and debate into social media in science communication, lessons and challenges in using indigenous languages, and a demonstration of how engaged research works on the ground in South Africa.

Pre-conference workshop
How do you know if your #scicomm makes a difference?

Dr Eric Jensen of Warwick University led a day-long practical programme at CREST on Friday 2 November entitled Evaluation in the field of public science communication, which provided science communicators from across South Africa with approaches and tools to measure and understand the impact of the work they are doing.

SciCOM is the South African Research Chair in Science Communication. SciCOM is hosted by Stellenbosch University at the Department of Journalism (DoJ).

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General and Academic Enquiries – Elizabeth Newman
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Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Stellenbosch University, Department of Journalism, Old Edwardian Building, 26 Crozier Street, Stellenbosch, 7600, South Africa