Media Insights for Scientists and Scientific Researchers

Registrations have now closed and will reopen in mid-2025.   

Scientists produce cutting-edge knowledge and solve problems. They share their ideas and findings with their peers in conference talks and academic articles. But why stop there? The pressure is on for scientists to show that they are engaging and benefiting society. Public input can also benefit your research in unexpected ways. To support scientists’ communication efforts, we have designed an intensive one-day programme. 

The Imidibaniso Exchange Workshop, previously known as the Imidibaniso Bootcamp, is an in-person annual one-day media and communications workshop for scientists. It offers a fun, interactive and enriching snapshot of best practice creative communications insights that scientists can consider in their public engagement plans for your research projects. 

During the workshop, you will get access to:

  • A crash course on various forms of media and communication that are available to you to share your research with the world. 
  • A range of talks and inputs from media and communications experts.
  • A range of interactive exercises that will help you to become a better communicator.
  • Insights into the strategies and methods used by some of the best communicators out there. 
  • Tips and tools on how to use social media in effective ways.
  • Strategies to find the right collaborators and partners to help you communicate the importance of your research.
  • An introduction to a couple of key theoretical and practical concepts that can guide you in your thinking about how media matters to science.
  • Other scientists who are also exploring ways to share their findings with the public. 

This workshop is intended for scientists, of all fields, from the data-crunching demographers and epidemiologists to those who like to spend weeks in the wilderness searching under plants to find frogs to measure. You should not have to take on a second career training as a media professional in order to be a good, publicly engaged scientist. But, if you do want to try and connect your findings with a bigger audience (including policy makers and funders, ahem!) it is worth experimenting with various media channels and communications tools. We are here to offer a little bit of advice on quick, easy and fun ways to use them. 

We invite you to set aside one day in your calendar at the beginning of what will surely be another busy year of science research and teaching and invest in some resources that will help you to translate the specific expertise of what you do to a bigger audience of ordinary people. (Some of the tricks might help you with teaching, too).

Each year we will design the workshop programme to bring a selection of the brightest, best and most engaging media and communications researchers, practitioners and advisers to share their insights. 


Registration for the Workshop is now open. The Workshop will take place in February 2025. There is a registration fee will be announced closer to the time and will include the materials needed for the workshop and all meals & refreshments and closed networking cocktail session. Flights, travel and accommodation are not included. For more information or for any queries, please send an email to

We are thankful to have had the following speakers at the inaugural Bootcamp:

  • Brett Rogers – Cultural Lead and Social Influencer Strategist
  • Joshua Carelse – Influencer and Social Media & Community Manager
  • Kate Pinchuk – Award-winning Stand-Up Comedian & Actress
  • Neo Baepi – Portraiture Photographer
  • Niren Tolsi – Award-winning Journalist and Ruth First Fellow and a Heinrich Boell Journalism Fellow
  • Dr Marina Joubert – Science Engagement Senior Researcher and Lecturer
  • Dr Wamuwi Mbao – Acclaimed Writer and South African Literature Senior Lecturer

Our speakers for the second instalment of the Exchange are:

SciCOM is the South African Research Chair in Science Communication. SciCOM is hosted by Stellenbosch University at the Department of Journalism (DoJ).

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SciCOM – Fumani Jwara

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