2024 (Forthcoming)

Judge, M. (2024). (Un)knowing the ocean through sound, Routledge Handbook of Critical Ocean Studies (in press with Routledge).

Judge, M. (2024). Between Spin and Drift, or Overviews and Undercurrents,  Hydrofeminist Thinking with Oceans: Political and pedagogical possibilities (in press with Routledge).


Iqani, M. (2023). Core Dump: The Global Aesthetics and Politics of E-Waste. In López, A., Ivakhiv, A., Rust, S., Tola, M.,  Chang, A.Y., Chu, K. (eds) Routledge Handbook of Ecomedia Studies: Routledge pp160-167.


Falade B.A., Ramohlale R.MJ. (2021) Science Communication in Nigeria and South Africa: Beliefs, Social Groups and the Social Space of Science. In: Schiele B., Liu X., Bauer M.W. (eds) Science Cultures in a Diverse World: Knowing, Sharing, Caring. Springer, Singapore.

Falade, B. & Murire, M. 2021. Is science enough? Health communication and health enabling environments. In Falade, B. A. and Murire, M. (eds.). 2021. Health Communication and disease in Africa: beliefs, traditions and stigma. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Falade, B. 2021. Covid-19: religious institutions and the accommodation of science in Africa. In Falade, B. A. and Murire, M. (eds.). 2021. Health Communication and disease in Africa: beliefs, traditions and stigma. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Falade, B. 2021. Health beliefs and communication: conceptual approaches. In Falade, B. A. and Murire, M. (eds.). 2021. Health Communication and disease in Africa: beliefs, traditions and stigma. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Falade, B. & Murire, M. 2021. Global inequalities, health, disease and Africa. In Falade, B. A. and Murire, M. (eds). 2021. Health Communication and disease in Africa: beliefs, traditions and stigma. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Bauer, M., & Falade, B. 2021. Public understanding of science: Survey research around the world. In Bucchi, M. & Trench, B. (Eds.). Handbook of PCST (Vol. 3). London: Routledge.

Falade, B. A., Ramohlale, R. and Williams, N. 2021. Diverse publics, emerging practices and constraints of science communication: comparing South Africa and Nigeria. In Liu, X., Schiele, B. and Bauer, M. (eds.). Public Understanding of Science in a diverse world. Dordrecht: Springer.

Falade, B. A. and Ramohlale, R. 2021. Social groups, beliefs, progress and science communication practices in Nigeria and South Africa. In Bernard Schiele, Liu, X., and Bauer, M.W. (eds.). Public Understanding of Science in a Diverse World. Dordrecht: Springer.

Iqani, M. 2021. Humanitarianism in the African luxury designer market. In Chouliaraki, L and Vestergaard, A. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Humanitarian Communication. London: Taylor & Francis Group.

Nane, G. F., Van Schalkwyk, F., Dudek, J., Torres-Salinas, D., Costas, R. and Robinson-Garcia, N. 2021. The role of scientific output in public debates in times of crisis: A case study of the reopening of schools during the COVID-19 pandemic. In Berube, D. (ed.). Pandemic Communication. Springer-Nature.

Nieto, L.M.H and Weingart, P. 2021. Between mad and mundane: Mixed stereotypical and realistic portrayals of science in contemporary fiction media. In Farzin, S., Gaines, S.M., and Haynes, R.D.  (eds.). Under the Literary Microscope: Science and Society in the Contemporary Novel. Penn State University Press

Trench, B., Bucchi, M., Amin, L., Cakmakci, G., Falade, B., Olesk, A., and  Polino, C. 2021. Global spread of science communication: institutions and practices across continents. In Bucchi, M. & Trench, B. (eds.). Handbook of PCST (Vol. 3). London: Routledge


Falade, B. A., Batta, H. and Onifade, D. 2020. Nigeria: from extension services to mass communication. In Gascoigne, T., Schiele, B., Leach, J., Riedlinger, M., Lewenstein, B., Massarani, L. and Broks, P. (eds). Communicating science: a global perspective. Brisbane, Australia: Australian National University Press. Australian National University Press

Joubert, M. & Makunga, N. 2020. Science and pseudoscience: A perspective from South Africa. In Dijkstra, A.M., de Bakker, L., van Dam, F. and Jensen, E. (eds.). Science Communication: An Introduction. UK: World Scientific Publishing.

Joubert, M. and Mkansi, S. 2020. South Africa: Science communication throughout turbulent times. In Gascoigne, T., Schiele, B., Leach, J., Riedlinger, M.,  Lewenstein, B., Massarani, L. and Broks P. (eds.). Communicating science: a global perspective. Brisbane, Australia: Australian National University Press. pp 771–800.

Trench, B., Bucchi, M., Amin, L., Cakmakci, G., Falade, B., Olesk, A., & Polino, C. 2020. Global spread of science communication: institutions and practices across continents. In Bucchi, M. & Trench, B. (Eds.), Handbook of public communication of science and technology (Vol. 3). London: Routledge

Van Schalkwyk, F. & Canares, M. 2020. Open Data and Inclusive Development. In Smith, M.L and Seward, R.K. (eds.). Making Open Development Inclusive. Cambridge MA: MIT Press.

Weingart, P. 2020. Politikberatung in: Görres Gesellschaft und Verlag Herder (2020), Staatslexikon, Freiburg, Basel, Wien: Herder Verlag, 842 – 846


Bauer, M., Falade, B. and Pansegrau. P. 2019. The cultural authority of science – summary and future research agenda. In Bauer, M.W., Pansegrau, P. and Shukla, R. (eds.). The cultural authority of science – Comparing across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. London, New York: Routledge.

Falade, B. (2019) Vaccines, Polio and Ebola: religion and traditions compete with scientific authority in West Africa. In M. W. Bauer, P. Pansegrau, & R. Shukla (eds.). The cultural authority of science – Comparing across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas (pp. 211–227). London, New York: Routledge.

Falade, B., Bauer, M.W., Shukla, R. and Pansegrau, P. 2019. Science and the news flow 1990–2014, in Germany, UK and India. In Bauer, M.W., Pansegrau, P. and Shukla, R. (eds.). The cultural authority of science – Comparing across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas (pp. 59–85). London, New York: Routledge.

Guenther, L., Weingart, P., & Joubert, M. 2019. Bridging a gap – Mapping the science coverage of South African newspapers. In Bauer, M.W., Pansegrau, P. and Shukla, R. (eds.). The cultural authority of science – Comparing across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas (pp. 137–154). London, New York: Routledge.

Parker, S. and Mouton, J. 2019. Exploring the cultural authority of science in South Africa through public attitudes to science. In Bauer, M.W., Pansegrau, P. and Shukla, R. (eds.). The cultural authority of science – Comparing across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. London, New York: Routledge.

Van Schalkwyk, F. 2019. The amplification of uncertainty: The use of science in the social media by the anti-vaccination movement. In Weingart, P., Joubert, M. and Falade, B.A. (eds.). Science Communication in South Africa: Reflections on Current Issues. Cape Town: African Minds.

Weingart, P. 2019. The authority of science revisited – mainly Anglo-European. In Bauer, M.W., Pansegrau, P. and Shukla, R. (eds.), The cultural authority of science – Comparing across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. London, New York: Routledge.

Weingart, P. 2019. The authority of science revisited – mainly Anglo-European. In Bauer, M.W., Pansegrau, P. and Shukla, R. (eds.). The cultural authority of science – Comparing across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. London, New York: Routledge.


Guenther, L. 2018. Science journalism. In H. Örnebring (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Weingart, P. 2018. Eugenics and Race-Hygiene in the German Context. A Legacy of Science Turned Bad? In Baader, G. and Peter, J. (eds.). Public Health, Eugenik und Rassenhygiene in der Weimarer Republik und im Nationalsozialismus. Gesundheit und Krankheit als Vision der Volksgemeinschaft. Frankfurt Main: Mabuse Verlag.


Elena, S. & Van Schalkwyk, F. 2017. Open Data for Open Justice in Seven Latin American Countries. In Jiménez, C.E. and Gasco, M. (eds.). Achieving Open Justice through Citizen Participation and Transparency. IGI Global.

Ruhrmann, G., Guenther, L. 2017. Katastrophen- und Risikokommunikation. In Bonfadelli, H., Fähnrich, B., Lüthje, C., Milde, J., Rhomberg, M. and Schäfer, M.S. (eds.), Forschungsfeld Wissenschaftskommunikation. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Ruhrmann, G., Guenther, L. 2017. Medizin- und Gesundheitsjournalismus. In Rossmann, C. and Hastall, M. R. (eds.). Handbuch Gesundheitskommunikation. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Taubert, N.C. and Weingart, P. 2017. Changes In Scientific Publishing: A Heuristic For Analysis. In Weingart, P. and Taubert, N. (eds.). The Future of Scholarly Publishing: Open Access and the Economics of Digitisation. Cape Town: African Minds.

Van Schalkwyk, F. 2017. African universities and connectedness in the information age. In Muller, J., Cloete, N. and Van Schalkwyk, F. (eds.). Castells in Africa: Universities and Development. Cape Town: African Minds.

Van Schalkwyk, F. & Verhulst, S. 2017. The State of Open Data Research. In Van Schalkwyk, F., Verhulst, S., Magalhaes, G., Pane, J. and Walker, J. (eds.). The Social Dynamics of Open Data. Cape Town: African Minds.

Weingart, P. (2017). Chemiker und ihre Zunft im Spielfilm. In M. – D. Weitze, J. Schummer, & T. Geelhaar (Eds.), Chemie in der Gesellschaft. Zwischen Faszination und Verteufelung (pp. 23-35). Berlin: Springer Spektrum. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-54449-5.

Weingart, P. 2017. Is There a Hype Problem in Science? If So, How Is It Addressed? In Jamieson, K., Kahan, D. and Scheufele, D. (eds.). Oxford Library of Psychology. The Oxford Handbook of The Science of Science Communication. Oxford University Press.

Weingart, P. 2017. Wissenschaftskommunikation unter digitalen Bedingungen. Funktionen, Akteure und Probleme des Vertrauens. In Weingart, P.,  Wormer, H., Wenninger, A. and Hüttl, R.F. (eds.) Perspektiven der Wissenschaftskommunikation im digitalen Zeitalter. Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft.

Weingart, P., Wormer, H., Wenninger, A., & Hüttl, R. F. (2017). Zwischen Euphorie und erster Ernüchterung. Social Media in der Wissenschaftskommunikation. In P. Weingart, H. Wormer, A. Wenninger, & R. F. Hüttl (Eds.), Perspektiven der Wissenschaftskommunikation im digitalen Zeitalter (pp. 19-27). Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft.


Fränzel, J., Guenther, L., Ruhrmann, G., 2016. Evidenzsensibler Journalismus? Über die Wahrnehmung und Darstellung wissenschaftlicher Ungesichertheit von Medizinjournalisten. In Camerini, A.-L., Ludolph, R. and Rothenfluh, F. (eds.). Gesundheitskommunikation als transdisziplinäres Forschungsfeld. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Guenther, L. and Ruhrmann, G. 2016. Zukunftstechnologien und Medien – Wie (in)transparent kommunizieren Journalisten wissenschaftliche Ungesichertheit? In Werner, P., Rinsdorf, L., Peil, T., and Altmeppen, L.D. (eds.). Verantwortung, Gerechtigkeit, Öffentlichkeit. Konstanz: UVK.

Kessler, S. H., Reifegerste, D. and Guenther, L. 2016. Die Evidenzkraft von Bildern in der Wissenschaftskommunikation. In Ruhrmann, G., Kessler, S.H. and Guenther, L. (eds.). Wissenschaftskommunikation zwischen Risiko und (Un)Sicherheit. Köln: Herbert von Halem.

Reifegerste, D., Kessler, S.H. and Guenther, L. 2016. Bewegt durch Bilder? Der Einfluss von Aufmerksamkeit und Hintergrundmotiv. In Camerini, A.-L., Ludolph, R., Rothenfluh, F. (eds.) Gesundheitskommunikation als transdisziplinäres Forschungsfeld. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Ruhrmann, G. and Guenther, L. 2016. Katastrophen- und Risikokommunikation. In Bonfadelli, H., Fähnrich, B., Lüthje, C., Milde, J., Rhomberg, M. and Schäfer M.S. (eds.). Forschungsfeld Wissenschaftskommunikation. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Ruhrmann, G., Kessler, S. H. and Guenther, L. 2016:  Zwischen fragiler und konfligierender Evidenz: Wissenschaftskommunikation  zwischen Risiko und (Un)Sicherheit. In Ruhrmann, G., Kessler, S.H. and Guenther, L. (eds.). Wissenschaftskommunikation zwischen Risiko und (Un)Sicherheit. Köln: Herbert von Halem.

Taubert, N. C. and Weingart, P. 2016. Wandel des wissenschaftlichen Publizierens – eine Heuristik zur Analyse rezenter Wandlungsprozesse. In Weingart, P., Taubert, N. and Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (eds.). Wissenschaftliches Publizieren – Zwischen Digitalisierung, Leistungsmessung, Ökonomisierung und medialer Beobachtung. Berlin: De Gruyter Akademie Forschung.

Weingart, P. 2016. Vertrauen, Qualitätssicherung und Open Access – Predatory Journals und die Zukunft des wissenschaftlichen Publikationssystems. In Weingart, P. and Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (eds.). Wissenschaftliches Publizieren. Zwischen Digitalisierung, Leistungsmessung, Ökonomisierung und medialer Beobachtung. Berlin/Boston: deGruyter.

Weingart, P. 2016. Wissenschaftssoziologie. In Simon, D., Knie, A., Hornbostel, S. and Zimmermann, K. (eds.). Handbuch Wissenschaftspolitik (2. vollst. bearb.). Wiesbaden: Springer.

Weingart, P. 2016. Wissenschaftspolitik als Innovationspolitik oder Pfeifen im Wald? In Krohn, W., Eichler, U. and Peuckert, R. (eds.). Formendes Leben – Formen des Lebens. Festschrift für Reinhard Mocek. Halle: Haller Verlag.

Weingart, P. and Wormer, H. 2016. Wissenschaftskommunikation als demokratisches Grundprinzip. In Weitze, M.D. and Weingart, P. Technikfolgenabschätzung: Theorie und Praxis (Vol. 25). Schlüsselideen, Akteure und Formate der Technikkommunikation.


Cloete N., Maassen P., Bunting I., Bailey T., Wangenge-Ouma G. and Van Schalkwyk F. 2015. Managing Contradictory Functions and Related Policy Issues. In Cloete, N., Maassen, P. and Bailey, T. (eds.). Contradictory Functions, Knowledge Production and Pacts in African Higher Education. Cape Town: African Minds.

Van Schalkwyk, F. 2015. University Engagement as Interconnectedness: Indicators and Insights. In Cloete, N., Maassen, P. and Bailey, T. (eds.). Contradictory Functions, Knowledge Production and Pacts in African Higher Education. Cape Town: African Minds.

Weingart, P. 2015. Die Dynamik der Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie und ihre Folgen: Lose Gedanken zu einem aktuellen Begriff. In Altmeppen, K.D., Donges, P., Künzler, M., Puppis, M., Röttger, U. and Wessler, H. (eds.). Soziale Ordnung durch Kommunikation? Baden Baden: Nomos.

Weingart, P. 2015. Norms in Science. In Wright, J.D. (ed.). International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. Oxford: Elsevier.

Weingart, P. 2015. Reputation in der Wissenschaft – Funktion und Bedeutungsverlust. In Hilgendorf, E. and Schulze-Fielitz, H. (eds.). Selbstreflexion der Rechtswissenschaft. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

Weingart, P. 2015. Wissenschaftliche Politikberatung zu ethischen Fragen – die Rolle der Akademien. In Weingart, P. and Wagner, G.G. (eds.). Wissenschaftliche Politikberatung im Praxistest. Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft.

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