Having established significant work that maps out key theoretical and applied aspects of science communication research in South Africa, our research focus seeks to explore “science communication for social justice”. Under this research agenda, our focus is on action-research best practice science communication projects, with a special affordance to the possibilities offered by creative modalities, and communications research on social justice issues to which science is central, specifically:

  1. Climate and the environment, including topics such as urban sustainability, renewable energy and activism;
  2. Health and happiness, including topics such as vaccine cultures, eco-anxiety, waste and pollution;
  3. Equity and inequality, integrating race and gender in the scientific public, ethical consumption and rural communities.
  4. Science communication best practice.

SciCOM is the South African Research Chair in Science Communication. SciCOM is hosted by Stellenbosch University at the Department of Journalism (DoJ).

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SciCOM – Fumani Jwara
Email: scicomm@sun.ac.za

General and Academic Enquiries – Elizabeth Newman
Email: lnewman@sun.ac.za | Tel: +27 (0) 21 808 3488

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Stellenbosch University, Department of Journalism, Old Edwardian Building, 26 Crozier Street, Stellenbosch, 7600, South Africa