Correcting injustice, both past and present, is at the core of all critical research.

We position science communication as key to promoting a just and inclusive society that encourages people regardless of their background or attributes to achieve their goals and contribute meaningfully to society.

This research theme explores various aspects of equity in relation to issues driven science communication research. This will include questions of diversity and exclusion in the public profile of scientists and scientific practices.

SciCOM is the South African Research Chair in Science Communication. SciCOM is hosted by Stellenbosch University at the Department of Journalism (DoJ).

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SciCOM – Fumani Jwara

General and Academic Enquiries – Elizabeth Newman
Email: | Tel: +27 (0) 21 808 3488

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Stellenbosch University, Department of Journalism, Old Edwardian Building, 26 Crozier Street, Stellenbosch, 7600, South Africa